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The Big Debut

Fijew Brook Attah vs. Cora Lein
The challenge has been accepted!


The Big Debut

#1. The Throne defeated Me & Asher Xero
#2. Cora Lein pinned Fi-jew Brook Attah
#3. The Graveyard Disciples pinned The Organization (Jorge La Bestia & A1G) w/ Dennis John
#4. Chris Cayden won the ULTIMATE CONTENDERS GAUNTLET & Setanta Furey was the runner-up
#5. F.A.F.O. (Pancakes, Christopher Rone, Ring King Camacho, Ox Security) destroyed Johnny Malloy to win the HARDCORE MAINEVENT
*RAGE announced Jeremiah Tryggs as the new member of W.A.R.
*Hunter Greyson competed as Mr. Smalltown and lost in the ULTIMATE CONTENDERS GAUNTLET
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