Iri$h vs. General Romero

SWA Wrestling presents All's Well That Ends Odd on Saturday - December 10th, 2016 at the NYWC SPORTATORIUM in DEER PARK, NY; featuring the SWA Training Academy's - Iri$h in his second appearance, as he battles the always dangerous General Romero!
At our October show "RISE", Iri$h's debut was cut short by an interruption from Manager Of The Stars 'The Elitist' Dennis John and client "Long Island's Finest" Kash. Immediately followed by an attack from behind by former S.W.A. Wrestler Trigger.
This will be Iri$h's second attempt at a making a successful debut, and the young irishman will need eyes in the front and back of his head. He will need to focus on the task at hand; defeating General Romero, while watching his back for another abrupt attack. As Trigger has vowed to intervene and attack Iri$h each and every time he attempts to wrestle in SWA Wrestling.
For more information on the event and to purchase tickets, please visit - CLICK HERE